Kace crashing due to iastora.sys
Trying to image a new model in our inventory, Dell e5450. We PXE boot into Kace, once it loads Windows files we crash do to iastora.sys. Anyone know of a workaround? Have tried uninstalling that driver to no avail.
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Posted by:
9 years ago
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This is something that I have had problems for a while, and finally today I resolved it this way:
1.- First you need to download the ADK for Windows 8.1 (WinPE 5) and installed, If you have any previous versions, you must remove it before installing this one.
2.- While this is download and installed, delete all of your drivers contained at \ikbox\kbe_windows_x64
3.- Download and install/upload the new KBE Driver Pack 3, 4 and 5 and place them at kbe_windows_x64 folder.
4.- ReCache ALL Drivers.
5.- Finally, once the ADK is installed and running, create your new Boot Environment using the latest K2000 Media Manager.
And you are all done! Boot your computer using the new KBE and you'll be able to image. This is a permanent fix and it should work straight forward.
Im running Version: 3.7.116629 and Deploying Windows 8.1.
Hope you find it helpful and works for you too.
Posted by:
9 years ago