
KACE K1000 Dell Update not doing BIOS

I'm having issues with the Dell Update option on the KACE K1000. When doing a detect and deploy task it will happily point out that certain Dell drivers etc. need updating and shows what the recommended update is.

It will go through the deploy and on the face of it completes without issue. When you run a detect task it will show that the BIOS has not been updated and it still shows the recommended update.

Initially I thought it was down to the BIOS having a password set but even after taking that off it still did not update. So I decided to try this on a machine that has recently been wiped and rebuilt. So no security has been set on anything. But it also does the same. It'll update all the other things that the Dell Update sees but fails on the BIOS.

KACE support haven't proved overly useful as yet and pointed me at KB 111277 on how to do it via a script when there is a BIOS password. I followed this - but left out the password parameter (As there is none) - and it did update the BIOS. BUT, I would need to do this for every BIOS update there is when the Dell Update function should be doing it for us.

Has anyone seen this before? Am I doing something wrong?

Any help is appreciated.

5 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • The Update is only working if the update step is small enough, so if you use BIOS A04 and want to go to A21 this will fail. - Nico_K 9 years ago
    • I have tried on 2 different models and both failed on just a single update.

      For example one is A07 but the recommended BIOS is A08 and the other is A21 and recommended is A22...

      Any other ideas? - ashbyhope 9 years ago
  • I would like to add that I'm having the same issue. BIOS updates are not applying automatically like all the other Dell Updates available. I can manually distribute the update package successfully, but something about the automatic schedule is not completing properly. An administrator suggested I check to make sure the schedule had the correct Operating Systems specified - which it does - and that a smaller "step" upgrade wasn't required - there are none. Also the client logs don't appear to contain any useful information - there is a "Status, Dell Update" line in one of them, but nothing before or after that seems to indicate a problem... Any insight as to why this one specific type of update is not working would be greatly appreciated. - Relic 9 years ago
  • I'm having the same issue... Anyone figure this one out? - MannyL 8 years ago
  • Also have the same issue. Updates work well, other than BIOS updates. Seemingly they don't "apply." - RD94 7 years ago
  • Also have the same issue. the detect job is ok and if i want to deploy it they sayed there is nothing sceduled. - Bilo111 6 years ago

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