
KACE offline deploying an image from usb KBE trying to mount the K2000 share

I am running the K2000 ver 3.6 with all patches.  Suddenly I am unable to create successful USB offline Imaging Drives.  When I boot to the USB (with network cable disconnected), it stops at the error (ERROR: Unable to mount KBOX share), if I connect the network cable, the system boots to the K2000 and I can image from the K2000 box which defeats the purpose of the offline imaging.  I have recreated the KBE, recreated the KBE USB Flash Drive Image and am ensure I'm formating the drive as NTFS and also had someone else try the steps outlined to be sure I'm not missing something or doing something wrong and we are getting the same results.  It seems the USB Drive does not recgonize there is an image on the drive and to to image the PC with that image rather than connecting to the K2000 to image over the network.

I am following these steps (obtained from link: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/deploying-images-from-usb-devices-with-the-kace-2000 

Flash Drive Creation

Creating the Flash Drive - Part I

  • In the KACE 2000, go to the Deployments->System Images tab.
  • Open the appropriate image.
  • Click on Create bootable USB flash drive image for this System Image
    • A background process will be launched to build the installer for the system image. It will take an hour or two depending on the size of your image.
    • If the image is finished downloading, this page will contain the download link and instructions
  • Click on the Boot Environments tab.
  • Open the appropriate boot environment.
  • Check the box for Create bootable USB flash drive image for this System Image
    • A background process will be launched to build the installer for the KBE image. This should only take a few minutes.
  • Once the image has been created, you will be able to click on Download bootable USB flash drive image for this Boot Environment.

Creating the Flash Drive - Part II

  • When the KBE image is finished downloading, unzip it. If it is on a server, download it to your local machine.
  • Open My Computer and find the drive letter for the target flash drive.
  • Open an administrative command prompt.
  • Change directories to where you unzipped the KBE image.
  • install.exe <USB drive letter>:
    • Note that the colon (:) above is very important. 
  • Choose the correct drive from the drop down menu and start
    • This will format the flash drive.
    • If you point it at your hard drive, it will format your hard drive. Check your drive letter.
    • This will likely change the assigned drive letter for the flash drive.
  • Download the System Image when it completes building. If it is on a server, download it to your local machine.
  • Unzip the System Image with Winzip or 7zip only. The built-in Windows decompress may corrupt an image over 4 GB in size.
  • In the administrative command prompt, change directories to where you unzipped the System Image.
  • Open My Computer and find the drive letter for the target flash drive. It will likely have changed since being formatted!
  • install.bat <USB drive letter>:
    • Again, note that the colon (:) above is very important.
  • Allow the System Image to install on the flash drive.
  • The USB key is now ready. For a small amount of additional saftey, you can make the files read-only.
    • Open the USB key in explorer.
    • Select all the folders, right-click, and choose properties.
    • Select the Read-Only checkbox and click apply.

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • It almost sounds like your image is not being copied to the USB drive. first open the usb drive and look in the KACE folder. see if there is a deploy.bat file in there. then look under kace/hashstore and see if your image files are there. - genfoch01 9 years ago
  • I have confirmed both Deploy.bat and the image is on the thumb drive. To be sure, I checked what you stated, and they are both there. - DaveMT 9 years ago
  • I have the same problem, were you able to solve it? It simply will not boot into the KBE, it stops after having failed while trying to reach the K2000-server. (ERROR: Unable to mount KBOX share). - Jonatan.holmen 8 years ago
    • I was. I had to manually update the NIC driver on my USB Thumb drive. I haven't seen this issue since we upgraded the K2000 to version 4. I have not tried version 4.1 yet. - DaveMT 7 years ago

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