Within the KACE1000/1200 console :: when I goto the only Organization I have (sans System) as Admin, I select | Inventory | from the Menu-Ribbon then tab /Computers\ , the current Computer Inventory lists 12 Named "SYSTEMS" under the Computer Inventory datagrid.i hope this information benefits not only me but all Custom Report Developers within the community.
... 1) First, I understand from studying documentation, "MACHINES" which were once scanned and even if they are not currently actively sync'd they will still display in this list (correct?)
... 2) Second I understand from KACE support replies, the Organization I am currently authenticated within [namely SA] DIRECTLY corresponds to ORG1 datatable and since I only have this table set; that there is no ORG2 in SQL only KBSYS accompanying ORG1 there should be no other Organization.
...3) Thirdly I understand that a any "MACHINE" is a scanned "SYSTEM" that is automatically added in Computer Inventory? This consitutes it is a valid "COMPUTER" to track ? or am I missing a step that assigns the ASSET TYPE ... not including Labels... is there a manual step with the ASSET assignment ?
So what mainly dumbfounds me is why when I perform a SELECT * FROM MACHINE I get two systems returned in MySQL studio from the Command Line Query Lookup... One of which IS listed in Computer Inventory in the KACE console, the latter I cannot find it at all anywhere in fact; NOT even when I try to Browse all data tables ?!?!?
So is there a way in KACE console I can find to listout MACHINES w/ TYPES table along with 11 other "Computers" is there a way to drill-down into them and see if they are perhaps "mis-categorized" with wrong type [not ASSET TYPE 5 = "Computer"] thus not coming up listed within Machines in Console Computer Inventory ?
does that make sense ?
once I understand all that I have been self 'taught' above,
My GOAL is to Qualify my lookup of MACHINES which consist of only active valid COMPUTERS and list critical windows updates with a pseudo Query Lookup like so:
The data-table topology is incomplete not listing ASSETs tables among other items... So Im really in the dark to piece the unknown qualifiers JoinTables JT to flush this out... I shouldnt have to be billable more than my support Im paying on already just to uncover a table structure issue. ...many thanks
Answers (1)
If I'm understanding your question correctly I think this will help.
First Kace does keep a record of everything that has been inventoried. You can limit this by setting up a MIA rule.
Inventory>MIA>Choose Action>Configure Settings> Number of days.
If you are returning two machines in your query I would make sure that there are not the same machine names with different KUIDs.
Here is an example of one of my queries for asset data. Maybe this can help you get started.
select M.NAME, LAST_SYNC, BIOS_SERIAL_NUMBER AS 'BIOS Serial', USER_LOGGED AS User, IP as IP,ASSET_DATA_5.FIELD_25 as 'Inventory Tag', ASSET_DATA_5.FIELD_38 as Department from MACHINE M LEFT JOIN ASSET A ON A.MAPPED_ID = M.ID AND A.ASSET_TYPE_ID=5 LEFT JOIN ASSET_DATA_5 ON ASSET_DATA_5.ID = A.ASSET_DATA_ID #Here I am just looking for machines where department starts with IR. I also want machines that have only inventoried in the past 30 days. #To get this data I ran SELECT * FROM ASSET_DATA_5 where (LAST_SYNC > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY) AND (ASSET_DATA_5.FIELD_38 like 'IR%') AND (OS_NAME like '%Mac%') AND (CHASSIS_TYPE = 'LAPTOP') ORDER BY M.NAME
I hope this helps some. I'm not sure I'm understanding your question entirely though.
On your patching query do you want just patches that come from the Kbox, or all patches?
If you can include what all you want on the report I'm sure someone on here can help you. - dugullett 12 years ago