
location of captured WIM file

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Hi , 

I am new to Dell Kace . I am trying to capture windows 7 image(WIM) . I have pxe booted my reference computer n choose Dell kace option , WIM Capture n provided the details in the HTA file . it took some time to finish , after completion i got a message stating the image capture was successful .Now the image will be directly uploaded in KACE 2000 server or will it be stored on my refernce computer . 


I dint find any wim files on my reference computer.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: nlieschke 11 years ago
Yellow Belt

It will stored on the K2000.  Listed Under "Deployments" > "System Images" 

  • Accordingly, if you want to the find the file it self, you will be able to find it at the UNC path \\YourK2000name\petemp\ImageStore - nlieschke 11 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

they were stored at the petemp location prior to version 3.5.  Version 3.5 stores them in the working area (k2000\peinst\wim\##) so it can sync them to RSA's

see http://www.itninja.com/question/edit-wim-captured-in-3-5


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