
Looking for a patching overview report

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Greetings, My management team is wanting to report to our board members how our patching is going (to prove we are actually using kace).
so i need a percentage of overall compliance.

Completed  Other Error
83% 2% 15%

Completed  Other Error
94% 4% 2%

so based on a smart label (servers or workstations)
I need percentage patched (completed) and failures (errors)

again this is for non technical people, so pretty graphs would be good too.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I have built some SQL reports but i cant get it just right (sorry, I am not a programmer, nor an SQL guy).

    I have stolen reports off the net and tried modifying them, but they dont work once i start messing with it i break the report. - Vextor 9 years ago
  • Can you post what you have so far? Perhaps if there is a report that is similar to what you need you can post a link to it and include what changes you would need made. - chucksteel 9 years ago

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