Managed installation issues.
I have 2 managed Installations that I setup last week:
One is set to remove APPRISE (7.3.1603) software from the targeted PC.
I have NO associated files with this software right now, but it's set to run CONFIGURE MANUALLY:
MSIEXEC.EXE /x {20864EE1-F637-4E6F-B2FD-644E53734818} /passive
The next 3 checkboxes are checked: (Un-install using full command line, Run command only, Don't prepend Msiexec.exe)
The managed Action was set AND TESTED SUCCESSFULLY to run AFTER login (as an admin account, note).
It's set to deploy to one machine.
The bottom notes that 1 machine has this software, and 1 machine still needs this pushed out to it.
the second managed installation is for the next version of apprise (7.3.1604):
The MSI *IS* assoicated and the parameters are: /passive /i
This has the same machine assigned and also has it on the list to deploy it to this machine. Set for EXECUTE AFTER LOGON.
Thursday and Friday it worked great.
I come in over the weekend and it reinstalled 7.3.1603 (even though there is no associated file and my manual run clearly says /x) and now it won't run at all.
I've even removed the 7.3.1604 and started from step 1 trying to get the managed installation to kick off when I restart.
I've tried to get it to kick off ANYTIME. All of the managed actions seem to mean nothing as they don't kick off.
What controls these manual actions? What can I do to force it out NOW!
As I'm writing this, I logged off and on and it kicked off.
What controls these manual actions? Is there a time limit that must be met in between the managed install being saved and it kicking off on Logon? Why is 7.3.1603 being thrown back unto the PC (These 2 managed installations are my ONLY 2 managed installations)? How can I make it 'run now!' ?
Answers (2)
Find the machines in Computer inventory that are slated to receive the MI and force a check in.
When we have to get a MI to run now, we push the MI and then go to machine inventory and do a "Force Update" and it will run. Otherwise when you save it , you will wait for the machine to checkin to see if it has anything to do.
I JUST noticed that the machine inventory has a "TO BE INSTALLED" list that I'm guessing must be set.
by Run now do you mean "EXECUTE ANYTIME (NEXT AVAILABLE)" ? - Wildwolfay 11 years ago-
sorry was thinking scripts, for MI's we add the group or machine names and save. then go to machines and force an update - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Thank you :) - Wildwolfay 11 years ago
woops. - Wildwolfay 11 years ago