
Need Help Modifying SQL Code to Include Submitter's First Name and Last Name as Separate Variables

Does anyone know how to modify the below SQL code to include submitter's first name and last name as separate variables? I tried to modify it, but it came up with errors.

-- about the submitter



      SUBMITTER.EMAIL AS SUBMITTER_EMAIL,     -- $submitter_email

Full KACE article: https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/kb/111222/how-to-notify-any-user-or-group-by-email-when-a-new-ticket-is-created

Any help will be highly appreciated.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jleitsch 6 years ago
Purple Belt

Top Answer

As long as all your "FULL_NAME" fields are structured like "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME" then this will work:

select Substring_Index(FULL_NAME, ' ',1) as Name,

           Substring_Index(FULL_NAME, ' ',-1) as Surname


  • Thank you for suggestion. Unfortunately, our "FULL_NAME" fields are structured like "LastName, FirstName,". If we use "Dear $submitter_fname" in the email template, it will be converted to "Dear DOE, JOHN," and that's the reason why we want to separate them into 2 variables. Any thoughts? - eric0626 6 years ago
    • Swap the -negative number and change the delimiter
      Substring_Index(FULL_NAME, ',',-1) as Name,
      Substring_Index(FULL_NAME, ',',1) as Surname - jleitsch 6 years ago
      • Thank you very very much jleitsch!!!!! It works!!!!! In case anyone needs to do the same thing. Please see the actual code below.

        Substring_Index(SUBMITTER.FULL_NAME, ',',1) as SUBMITTER_LASTNAME, -- $submitter_lastname

        Substring_Index(SUBMITTER.FULL_NAME, ',',-1) as SUBMITTER_FIRSTNAME, -- $submitter_firstname - eric0626 6 years ago
Posted by: AbhayR 6 years ago
Red Belt

There is no field which keeps first name and last name as separate fields. The data comes from user record which doesn't keep them separate. 

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