
Office 365 Deployment

I am having MAJOR issues deploying Office 365 with K1000. It is not the Office 365 script particularly, it is the offscrub vbscripts that I am having trouble with. What I want KACE to do is to check the registry to see if the machine has either x86 or x64 Office installed of either 2010 or 2013 Proplus or Singleimage and also Lync. Then I want it to scrub Office using the Offscrub10.vbs or Offscrub13.vbs being pushed by a bat file script. After scrubbing office, I want it to install O365. I am at a loss here and need some help as I am sitting at a standstill with many many team members standing in my doorway with hands on their hips about this. I THINK KACE is suppressing windows that doesn't need to be suppressed even though I don't have it set to suppress anything. I can run the bat file from the KACE dependency directory and it works fine, but if I push it from KBOX it fails every time. Has anyone been through this and gotten this thing to work, if so can I copy what you have setup? I have tried deploying as domain admin, local admin, local system and all and no credential seems to make any difference.

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  • Can't you have O365 uninstall the previous versions for you? - vjaneczko 9 years ago
    • How do you mean? I haven't seen that option anywhere online. - JV 9 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: neilvw 9 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
If running as a script from Kace, you will need to use %windir%\sysnative instead c:\windows\system32 under directory.
Using this works on a 64 bit system.  Hope this helps!


  • I'll give that a try today, this works for you? - JV 9 years ago
    • It does. I have scripted (with kace) a managed install of Office 2013, followed by the offscrub10.vbs, and is working great! - neilvw 9 years ago
      • I am still unable to even get this to run, it starts but fails after 1 second. I need to run the OffScrub10.vbs and also the OffScrub13.vbs to remove Lync 13 and Office 2010 OEM then turn around and run click-to-run installer to install Office 365. - JV 9 years ago
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