
Patches Failed dashboard widget

What exactly does the counter represent? which host properties does it add up? What constitutes a failure.

When I click the widget counter number it opens a patch schedules table , but when I add up everything in the failed column, I don't get 26 but 12, and when I add up patch failures  for each individual host under "Security > Patching Detect/Deploy Status" I don't reach this number either.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: sambeheer 2 years ago
White Belt

Thank you I will look into that

Posted by: barchetta 2 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

Widgets = useless. Dashboards = useless.  Shame.

Posted by: Hobbsy 2 years ago
Red Belt

Don’t trust the widgets, Quest do not always provide enough transparency as to how the stats are built, much better to define the metrics that are important to your organisation and build some reports.

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