Problem in upgrading in KACE 2000 4.1SP1 >> Parameters in the Post-Installation tasks are ALWAYS generated in lowercase in the XML file tasks.xml
hi everyone,
recently, we have upgraded our K2000 appliance 4.1 to 4.1SP1. This operation has been done correctly but, after that upgrade, we have found a big problem in a particular post-installation task.
This problematic post-installation task is the one that will joined the computers to our domain.
It's a copy of the 'join to domain' example task modded with our parameters.
In this task, the user's password, used for join computers to our domain, is defined with uppercase, lowercase and symbols caracters.
The problem appears when we'll tried to deploy a scripted installation (or a system image), the parameters of this post-installation task are ALWAYS converted in lowercase (in the XML file tasks.xml) --->> the task will ALWAYS failed
NB : it's the same thing for any other task.
Is any of you have that kind of problematic?
Thanks in advance for your answer
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Posted by:
7 years ago
this is a known limitation in 4.1SP1.
You can workaround as follows:
1. create a batch file which contains the command line you want to run.
2. zip it together with the workload
3. upload it to this post install task
4. as command only point to the batch file.
This will be solved in 5.0 which will be out soon
You can workaround as follows:
1. create a batch file which contains the command line you want to run.
2. zip it together with the workload
3. upload it to this post install task
4. as command only point to the batch file.
This will be solved in 5.0 which will be out soon
Thanks Nico_K for your quick answer.
OK for your workabout, but I think it will be better that Quest give us a k2000 patch instead of doing that trick for the tasks that need it
OK, it will be corrected in the future version, but right now we'll have to spend some time to adapt the tasks to make them functional and next when the 5.0 will arrived, we'll have to rollback to the 'normal' method.
I have nothing against you but what a waste of time!
Do you think there might be a potential kbin proposed by Quest to correct this "know limitation"?
Regards - pg_fr_69 7 years ago-
unlikely since the limitation is known since many weeks and if this were such a big call driver there were one already. For another 4.1SP1 limitation there is a hot fix since this is flagged as more important (read: affects more customers) - Nico_K 7 years ago
I just discovered this myself today and submitted a ticket with Quest a few minutes ago. In addition to the comments above it would be nice if this was posted as a known issue in either the release notes for 4.1SP1 or as a knowledge base article. It would have saved me a few minutes and however long it will take a support technician that has to answer my ticket. - chucksteel 7 years ago
This KB appeared on the Dashboard two months ago:
"Potential issues after upgrading to KACE SDA 4.1 SP1"
It affected our domain join task, so I ended up creating a VBS script with the Domain Join functions inside - Channeler 7 years ago-
I had searched the KB for "post-install case" and nothing came up. Thanks for pointing out the article. - chucksteel 7 years ago
Did you add the password within the VBS script? I have it setup now with a bat and the VBS zipped but still fails. Do you have an example of it? - agahlbeck 7 years ago
Posted by:
7 years ago
@agahlbeck :
we have test Nico_K's workabout. works fine for us.
What we have done :
* first, download the vbs (join_domain.vbs) for the original task. put it in a temporary folder
* in the same folder, create a batch file (we name it joindom.bat), add only this line in it :
cscript join_domain.vbs ........ (with your parameters in lower or uppercase)
* zip the 2 files in an archive. name it (in our case:
* upload the zip file in the task, and put in the parameters zone the name of the batch file you want to launch : here for us : joindom.bat
As i say before, we have test it with success.
NB : use the same method for all the Windows Application post-installation tasks that had uppercase caracters in the parameters
we have test Nico_K's workabout. works fine for us.
What we have done :
* first, download the vbs (join_domain.vbs) for the original task. put it in a temporary folder
* in the same folder, create a batch file (we name it joindom.bat), add only this line in it :
cscript join_domain.vbs ........ (with your parameters in lower or uppercase)
* zip the 2 files in an archive. name it (in our case:
* upload the zip file in the task, and put in the parameters zone the name of the batch file you want to launch : here for us : joindom.bat
As i say before, we have test it with success.
NB : use the same method for all the Windows Application post-installation tasks that had uppercase caracters in the parameters
We have done this but for some reason, it still fails. I am starting to wonder if it is the password because it has upper/lower/specials characters. I can, however, pull up a cmd when the task fails and it runs manually fine. - agahlbeck 7 years ago
I have the same problem, I agree why was this not noted or tested???? Is everyone just using the work around? - agahlbeck 7 years ago
Just use this VBS and call the VBS itself, no need to use BAT files.
Save this into a .VBS file, create a post installation task, Windows Script type, edit the three fields and for the parameter, upload the VBS file into the task, summon the VBS by it's name.
Const WIN9X_UPGRADE = 16
strDomain = ""
strPassword = "P@ssword"
strUser = "domainadminuser"
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
strComputer = objNetwork.ComputerName
Set objComputer = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\cimv2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='" & _
strComputer & "'")
ReturnValue = objComputer.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(strDomain, _
strPassword, strDomain & "\" & strUser, NULL, _
JOIN_DOMAIN + ACCT_CREATE) - Channeler 7 years ago