Query to make a report on changes to the Kace SMA "licence" Asset
Hi there friends,
Anyone know how I can get a query to put into pivots or power-bi to get all the data
in the Asset "license" table and then maybe filter or slice it to see the changes by year.
Specifically I would like to filter the report by "year" to see the license count for each software in that year.
So meaning, the table has data... Licence_name, purchace_date, expiration_date and license count.
If i filter by 2020, the we bought 200 microsoft licenses. But in 2021 we added the license count to 250.
Same for other softwares in the list. So filtering by year would get me the license count for each software
in that year.
I appreciate the help.
I Hope I made sense.
Thanks guys
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