Report on "My Documents" size and breakdown
Is there a report out there that can scan the computer and give me the size of My Documents with a breakdown of Sub folders. We are going with Folder Redirection on the WIN7 rollout and want to see what the storage impact will be and if we exclude music, video, and pictures. If it is not been created, what is the syntax to create as this can't be created from the wizard.
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Posted by:
12 years ago
If it's in the kbox you can report on it. This data is not in the appliance by default so you would have to do some work to get it into the kbox. Do you have any ideas of how you would gather this data on the client side?
I found this which seems like a good start. If you put this in a script combined with a custom inventory rule you could get this into the custom inventory data:
see this as a reference:
I found this which seems like a good start. If you put this in a script combined with a custom inventory rule you could get this into the custom inventory data:
@cd /d "%userprofile%/documents"
@For /F "tokens=*" %%a IN ('"dir /s /-c | find "bytes" | find /v "free""') do @Set summaryout=%%a
@Echo %summaryout%
@For /f "tokens=1,2 delims=)" %%a in ("%summaryout%") do @set filesout=%%a&set sizeout=%%b
@Echo %filesout%
@Echo %sizeout%
@Set sizeout=%sizeout:bytes=%
@Echo %sizeout%
@Set sizeout=%sizeout: =%
@Echo Size is :%sizeout%
see this as a reference:
Posted by:
12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago
You will use the inventory rule you create to contain the script output data.
Once you have done that, you can create a report based on that field if you want to schedule it to be distributed, ie via email.
You can also use a Smart Label, as Custom Fields are one of the default criteria (down at the bottom of the list)
Once you have done that, you can create a report based on that field if you want to schedule it to be distributed, ie via email.
You can also use a Smart Label, as Custom Fields are one of the default criteria (down at the bottom of the list)
Posted by:
12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago
I haven't tested it when run from KACE via an inventory rule but try something like this:
diruse "C:\documents and settings\administrator\My Documents" /m
And run it with a "ShellCommandTextReturn(command)"
You can then do a script to say for each folder in C:\documents and settings, go into that folder and do it for every My Documents to list for all users on the PC's and pipe it into a txt file that it can return, if you have workstations that have several users
*edit* note this command is a XP command only :(
diruse "C:\documents and settings\administrator\My Documents" /m
And run it with a "ShellCommandTextReturn(command)"
You can then do a script to say for each folder in C:\documents and settings, go into that folder and do it for every My Documents to list for all users on the PC's and pipe it into a txt file that it can return, if you have workstations that have several users
*edit* note this command is a XP command only :(
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