retired /recycled hardware
I have looked around here and seen a few different solutions (exporting inventory, creating new asset type, creating mapped fields and reimporting the csv file into the new asset type) but that just seems clumsy. We don't use the service desk, so any custom rules won't apply.
Is there any way to essentially mark certain machines as inactive and have them essentially invisible to the system but only appear if I try to search for inactive machines? I know I can create a label for all these "retired" machines and then make sure to set the filter or search to ignore those items?
Answers (2)
TYpically everything under the Computer > Inventory counts against the license. There is no smooth way today. What we do is we create a custom field for the Computer Asset Type (Asset > Asset Type Tab> Computer
new field: Status
field type: single select
values: Active, Retired, Damaged...
Once a machine is no longer active, we delete it out of Inventory >computer but it still remains as an asset under Assets and we change the value from active to retired. It retains all the asset history of changes for that device since the agent was installed.
Thanks, nshah! I created a custom field in the Computer asset type, and assigned the value "Reitred" to four machines, then deleted one, and it shows all the changes in the assets. That's probably a good workaround for a lot of people. - Ultimation 11 years ago
Would creating a subtype on the Asset do the same thing? That is the direction I was going to go...but I can see how a single select in the Asset might be better. - hutcha4113 9 years ago
It could. My comment was before 6.4 came out so it could come down to which is better. My process is set that way and for me, creating subtype for retirement is not really needed nor would I want to go back and redo all the again. - nshah 9 years ago