
Rule top open then close a ticket with a specific category and comment


I want to create a rule to open a ticket and then close it changing the category to "SELF HELP TOOL" the status to "Closed", Solution to "Used Self Help Tool" and the Resolution to "Used the self help tool to fix my problem"

Can anybody could share some light on how can that be accomplished?

I have tried by modifying one of the already implemented rules, but I'm not to good in SQL.


I'm using KBOX 1000.

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Answers (11)

Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
You can open and close a ticket in one interaction -- by email. So if your CGI can send email then you can do this without a rule.

Assuming your CGI can send an email then:
1. determine what address the email would come from
2. make a user with that email address in your kbox
3. make that user an elgible owner in a helpdesk queue
4. From your CGI, send an email to the kbox helpdesk queue's email adress with the details of the KB interaction. Specifically you want this text at the top of the email:
Here is where the body of the email begins
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt
No, unfortunetly my CGI cant' send email :(, I've tried for ways on doing this but not yet done, the problem here is that the "users" will be a store number using a linux box.
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt
So far, we have created a function to create the ticket, then I'm thinking on creating a rule to close it, but should be another easier way to do this, since is taking some time from the screen once we run the self help tool:

function createTicket()
getScriptName $1

echo "<body>"
echo "<form id='ticket_form' name='ticket_form' method='post' action='' target='_blank'>"
echo " <input type='hidden' name='attr[ID]' id='attr[ID]' value='0' />"
echo " <input type='hidden' name='fields[queue_id]' value='2' />"
echo " <input type='hidden' name='fields[cloned_id]' value=' />"
echo " <input type='text' name='fields[title]' id='fields[title]' value='TICKET CREATED BY SELF HELP TOOLS' />"
echo " <input type='text' name='fields[custom_field_value1]' id='fields[custom_field_value1]' value='$USERNAME' />"
echo " <input type='text' name='fields[custom_field_value3]' id='fields[custom_field_value3]' value=' />"
echo " <select name='fields[custom_field_value4][]' id='fields[custom_field_value4][]' >"
echo " <option value='Yes' >Yes</option>"
echo " <option value='No' selected>No</option>"
echo " </select>"
echo " <textarea id='fields[comment]' name='fields[comment]'>USED $FILENAME</textarea>"
echo " <input type='file' name='INVENTORY_FILE[]' />"
echo " <input name='save' type='submit' value='Save' />"
echo "</form>"
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"
echo " var myform = document.ticket_form;"
echo " myform.submit();"
echo "</script>"
echo "</body>"

If anybody could help with the SQL rule to open and close it and the parameters that I put on the first post that will be greatly appreciated.
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Any help with a rule to create a ticket if a certain field is equal to 'Yes', would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
You cannot submit a ticket to the kbox by posting to ticket.php
If you want to use a form that is fine, but your form will have to email the ticket and construct an email with email tokens to set the fields for the ticket.

What is the reason that your form cannot email the kbox? If port 25 is open to the kbox between them then you can use the kbox's SMTP server and deliver the mail to the queue (e.g. helpdesk@kbox.yourcompany.com)
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Thank you very much, the idea of the CGI sending the email did the trick, the only thing I had to do was to set up the account with the email [email=apache@blabla.com]apache@blabla.com[/email] and that did it, after that I created a rule to close the ticket and recategorize it as needed.

Again thanks for all your help.
Posted by: airwolf 14 years ago
Red Belt
What will trigger the rule? What is the purpose of the rule? You can definitely create and close a ticket, but I'm confused as to why you're doing this.
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt

We have implemented code in the knowledge base, to run CGI's in a linux box, and we want to create a rule that once they use the knowledbe base tool, to create a ticket and close it to keep track of how many times the user in using the tool.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Posted by: airwolf 14 years ago
Red Belt
Why not just use one of the custom user fields (you have 4 of them) and write some simple SQL in a rule to add 1 to the number in the field each time they run it?
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt
mmm..I'm not too good in SQL so I'm not really following you, also I don't have a clue on what are the name of the fields in the data base, if you could give me an example that would be awesome, please see the image to check my fields and knowledge base screens.
Posted by: chris811 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Hello airwolf,

If you could share an idea on how will be rule to open and close the ticket with the details, that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
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