
Run a batch file in subfolder

I have an issue that I'm trying to resolve... I have a batch file that runs through fine if the batch is in the folder I am running it on. How do I have the batch file run in all subdirectories of a directory? In other words, I have a batch file that edits some video. The video I want is two levels down in the folder structure. How do I get the batch to run without having to copy and paste the batch file into each directory?

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • When you mean, "edit some video" what are we trying to edit? their name? - RandomITdude24 2 years ago
  • Trying to remove some credits from a home video, but not relevant to the question. I know how to do that part, just not how to run it in sub folders - dmcgannon 2 years ago
  • What I have done (maybe there is a better way) I try to go by steps and add some pause tasks to my script (Windows) and if is it Linux I try to run several ones or just use a lot of "if" - RandomITdude24 2 years ago

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