
SCCM > App Deploy

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Dear Team,

I am stuck up with this Exe packet 'NDP.view2 Viewing software U12388-01 | Hamamatsu Photonics' NDP.View2 version No: 2.9.29 . The app itself have the Switch command. i Tried with <%~dp0NDP.exe /exenoui /exenoupdates /quiet /norestart > saved in .bat file and its really not working for me in SCCM. I really felt that this is the toughest packet i ever saw to build in SCCM.

i have installed this in local machine and found also the uninstall string <MsiExec /X "{A3FE6161-6575-4856-8EF2-F706905CDAC2}" > (i tried with /qb in End) no result

Method:ii → I have also extracted this packet and Tested with the NDP.view 2.9.29 Setup.x64.msi. Same Problem.

(Tried with all this
"%~dp0NDP.view 2.9.29 RUO Setup.exe" /exenoui /exelang 1031 /exenoupdates /quiet
::msiexec /i "NDP.view2.9.29Setup.x64.msi" /quiet /qn
::%~dp0NDP.view 2.9.29 RUO Setup.exe /quiet /norestart
::%~dp0NDP.view 2.9.29 RUO Setup.exe /exenoui /exenoupdates
::%~dp0NDP.view 2.9.29 RUO Setup.exe /exenoui /exenoupdates


MsiExec /X "{A3FE6161-6575-4856-8EF2-F706905CDAC2}"


Can Any one pls Test this Packet and tell please where the problem is. I really don't understand this package.

Please help Profis.i would great thankful to you.

Thank you,

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