Script Timeout Issues (Timeout=3600000)
Hi all,
i am trying to find out if there is a way to get around the 1 hour timeout when running scipts via the K1000. According to the logs (and the testing I have done) when a script is called there is a "Timeout=3600000" set. I have taken this to mean 3,600,000 milliseconds which is one hour. My tests have shown that after an hour a process runs to end the script. The problem is, we have software that takes more than an hour to deploy. We can't break it up. We want to see the final result (ok or not) so we don't want to un-select the Wait For Completion option. We just want to control that 1 hour timeout when we need to.
Shouldn't be that hard surely???? (Fingers crossed)
Thanks all for your help.
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Unfortunately an MI is not really an option. Even with multiple steps in a script, the total time is still 1 hour. - hoodathunkut 9 years ago
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Posted by:
9 years ago
have you considered running a Managed Install instead of a script? Or create multiple steps in your script to spread the installs out within the scripts steps.
I know that there are ways AROUND this issue (for instance writing our own logs to a share somewhere) but surely we are not "locked in" to to a one hour timeout on scripts. There must be a way to run a script and be able to remove or alter the timeout value. Surely???!!! - hoodathunkut 9 years ago
I have tried creating multiple steps in a script but testing reveals that the TOTAL time for a script is 1 hour. I need to be able to change this. - hoodathunkut 9 years ago
It's a pretty simple test - write date and time to a txt file, create a directory, wait and repeat. In the below test everything runs except the last 2 lines because we have hit the 1 hour limit;
echo %date% %time% >> C:\Timeout.txt
md C:\Timeout1
timeout /T 2400 /NOBREAK
echo %date% %time% >> C:\Timeout.txt
md C:\Timeout2
echo %date% %time% >> C:\Timeout.txt
md C:\Timeout3
timeout /T 1800 /NOBREAK
echo %date% %time% >> C:\Timeout.txt
md C:\Timeout4 - hoodathunkut 9 years ago -
From the logs;
We see the script start at 2:10PM (Task 1) NOTE the "Timeout=3600000" in the log;
2015-07-23.14:10:03 - Launch State: Command="kace7271.bat" WorkingDir="C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\1565" Timeout=3600000 ShouldDetach=0 ShowWindow=0 Redirect_stdout=0 Redirect_stderr=0 Desktop=winsta0\default Using Wait_Override=0
We see it continue at 2:50PM (Task 2) which is after the 40 minute timeout. NOTE the Timeout=3600000 again but this does NOT reset to another hour;
2015-07-23.14:50:03 - Launch State: Command="kace4026.bat" WorkingDir="C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\kbots_cache\packages\kbots\1565" Timeout=3600000 ShouldDetach=0 ShowWindow=0 Redirect_stdout=0 Redirect_stderr=0 Desktop=winsta0\default Using Wait_Override=0
After 1 hour, at 3:11PM (from the original start time of 2:10PM) we see this;
[2015-07-23.15:11:49][pluginRunProcess:KLaunchClientIm] KLaunchClientImpl::Wait signal timed out process (4932) to shutdown
[2015-07-23.15:11:50][pluginRunProcess:KLaunchClientIm] KLaunchClientImpl::Wait force timed out process (4932) to terminate
My script total time to run - 1 hour 10 minutes
KACE - timeout after 1 hour leaving the last 2 lines of code NOT COMPLETED.
HELP!!! - hoodathunkut 9 years ago