
services not showing after install app-v app

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there are two services in app-v application. after launch shortcut serivices not showing from VE. but process is running from taskmgr, service related reg files also showing. I used services.msc / taskmgr form "sfttray /exe cmd "Shortcut_Name"". It gives us another cmd prompt where we can open the taskmgr / services.msc of the VE.

anybody help me, why service not whowing in service.msc ?


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Answers (1)

Posted by: packageologist 10 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

If services.msc produces a UAC prompt, it will get launched outside of the VE. You have two choices:

1: Use the 'sc query' command instead

2: Type the following command in the virtualised cmd.exe running services.msc to prevent the UAC prompt and therefore ensure it gets launched inside the bubble:

set __compat_layer=runasinvoker

(Please note there are two underscores at the beginning there)

The same issue affects regedit as described here in my blog, I suggest you have a read around the site for more useful App-V tips: http://packageology.com/2012/05/__compat_layer-troubleshooting-app-v-regedit/

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