Set ComputerName for 100 plus laptops using kace k2000
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How to set the computer name?
Answers (1)
This is from the "readme file" in the "". Open it and read for all the ways to set computer names.
-------------------------- Set Computer Name for use with a data file --------------------------
The “/rdf:” and “/dfk:” flags allow Set Computer Name to look in a text file for the new computer name. This allows you to build up a data file that maps devices to their names. The most popular variables to use as identifiers are MAC address ($Mac) & Serial Number ($Serial)
To create the data file, you will need to create a text file and list the entries in the following format:
identifier = desiredcomputername
Here’s an example with MAC addresses:
00508B052AE8 = Computer1
005056C00008 = Computer2
005056C00001 = Computer3
Once complete, zip up the text file along with the appropriate setcomputername executable, 32bit or 64bit.
To create this task:
1. Go to Library --> Postinstallation Tasks.
2. From the "choose action..." drop-down menu
3. Select Add New Application...
4. Give the task a name, such as "Set Computer Name x86"
1. Select the K2000 Boot Environment (Windows) as the runtime environment
2. Click on Upload to select the zip file you created with the data file and setcomputername executable.
3. In version 3.5 type the following in the command line field: start /wait setcomputername.exe /rdf:Nameofdatafile /dfk:$Variable
In version 3.6 type the following in the command line field: setcomputername.exe /rdf:Nameofdatafile /dfk:$Variable
(Note: If you would like to get messages from the script as to what it is doing add the flag "/debug" or add the “/log” flag to generate a log file (both flags are used without the quotes)
5. Save the Postinstallation Task
Usage Examples:
setcomputername.exe /rdf:computernames.txt /dfk:$Serial will search the computernames.txt file for the serial number of the current system and set the computer name to the associated name if it finds the serial number in computernames.txt
setcomputername.exe /rdf:computernames.txt /dfk:$Mac will search the computernames.txt file for the MAC address of the current system and set the computer name to the associated name if it finds the MAC in computernames.txt