
Set the Mouse Pointer Scheme for ALL users in Windows 10/11

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How do you set the Mouse Pointer Scheme for ALL users in Windows? I want to set the mouse pointer scheme to Windows Inverted (extra large) for all new users in Windows. 

I spent many hours searching & trying but couldn't find something useful. I thought maybe I could get the right answer here. 

Thank you.


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Answers (1)

Posted by: AmberSDNB 9 months ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Looks like this is stored in HKCU\Control Panel\Cursors in the registry. What you could do is set it how you want it, then export those keys from the registry. HKCU is user specific, so it needs to be set individually per user per machine. The easiest thing to do would be to use something like Group Policy, and add those registry items to a user policy. (User Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Registry) That would hit existing users though.

If you want to hit only new users, you would probably need to load the default profile into the registry and modify those settings via a batch or powershell script. We do this to set various user specific settings in the default profile during imaging. For example...

REG load HKEY_USERS\TempHive "C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"
**ADD ALL YOUR REG ITEMS HERE VIA 'REG ADD' OR DO A REG IMPORT** -Make sure your values say HKEY_USERS\TempHive\Control Panel\Cursors
REG unload HKEY_USERS\TempHive 

(don't forget the reg unload above, otherwise your default profile will be broken and new users won't be able to login)

Any new user who does not have a profile on that machine would then get your settings, pulled from the default profile. If you wanted to also hit existing users on a machine via a script, that would be more advanced. You would need to load the default profile and all the users one at a time and adjust the settings, via something like a 'for each' in C:\Users in powershell or a 'for' in batch.

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