Silent .exe uninstall failing
Hi all,
I have created 2 cmd files:- 1 to install a .exe and the other to uninstall the .exe. The install works but the uninstall is failing.
The program uninstalls via the script without any dialogues suppressed however when I add silent switches the uninstall fails. This is going to be part of a larger script ultimately. Heres where my problem is:
C:\path\file /uninstall ----- works ok with one dialogue confirming app removal.
C:\path\file /uninstall /s --- suppresses dialogue but app doesnt remove.
I have created a response file and tried variations on switches (e.g. quite, suppress, etc etc) but the outcome is the same.
Any help would be appreciated.
Answers (9)
What software is it?
Do you have KACE? If you have a K1000 you can go into the software in the Inventory -> Software section and it will often give you an uninstall command right there.
Alternatively it may have had an underlying MSI file that you could uninstall if you could find the GUID.
For example: MsiExec.exe /x {F9000000-0018-0000-0000-074957833700}
Hi, thanks for this. Its a Fujitsu scanner driver with no internal MSI. The setup comes with a USB hotfix.exe (That needs installed aswell) and its this hotfix thats causing the problem. - Busby101 12 years ago
What is the application? That might be helpful in determining what switches are available.
Hi, Its the USB hotfix for the Fujitsu fi-6230Z. - Busby101 12 years ago
Have you checked for an Uninstall String in the registry?
This would of course be under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{GUID} - oreillyr 12 years ago
- You ay in you question that you have tried various switches. I have done quite a few of these where it is just a matter of sticking with it untill you get the right combination. Be sure to try /silent /verysilent /noquestion /Uninst /U /u /S /s /X /x /quiet /passive. Cant think of anymore at the moment..
Uninstallers can be quite tricky. Have you tried to manually uninstall it from add & remove? If that works I would try to capture the uninstall. Make sure your capture settings don't exclude services or deleted files and registries.
Speaking of services, sometimes for an uninstaller to work properly you may need to shutdown a dependant service prior to running the uninstallation. You might want to investigate if this driver runs any new service and issue a pskill command before hand.
Sometimes an uninstaller does not like a completely silent removal. If you can pass MSI commands to the exe, try the following.
USB_Fix.exe /s /v"/qb"
While /qb isn't completely silent, it will still display a progress bar during the uninstall process. No user interaction will be required.
Otherwise, you may not be able to script a completely silent uninstall.
it looks like you may have to create an answer file for the exe
first install the hot fix
then run the following command on the pc to uninstall
it will create a setup.iss file in the c:\windows directory
copy this file into the same dir as the installer and then run
FJSCAN_USB_HOTFIX.exe /s /f1"setup.iss"
make sure there is no space between the /f1 and iss file
that should remove it silently
hope it helps you
Hey Sparky, Thanks for that. I tried using a response\answer file but no joy. Using a response file does supress the dialogue but just doesn't seem to uninstall. I'm at a real loss with this one. - Busby101 12 years ago
Sorry, should've said using a response file with the silent switch does supress the dialogue . . - Busby101 12 years ago
can you post the command line in full that youre using with the iss file? - sparky86 12 years ago
setup.exe -s -removeonly -f1c:\1\1\setup.iss -f2c:\1\1\USb.log - Kuniu 8 years ago