
Small business server SQL using a lot of memory

SQL server on Sbs2011 is using majority of memory

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Answers (1)

Posted by: matthall 12 years ago
Purple Belt

High SQL memory usage on SBS is almost always tied to WSUS. There are some pretty quick steps you can go through to resolve the issues.

  1. Open Task Manager –> Processes tab.
  2. View –> Choose Columns –> PID, Memory, etc.
    Now, in your task manager, the offending sqlserver.exe process should provide you a PID.
  3. Next, go to Start –> CMD –> Right click and Run As Admin.
    Type "tasklist /svc" and hit [Enter]
  4. Scroll through the resulting list and find the PID. Note the SQL Instance name associated with it
  5. Next, go to Start –> All Programs –> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 –> Right click and Run as Admin on SQL Server Management Studio.
    Set: Server type: Database Engine.
    Set: Server name: \\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query
    Copy and paste the above.
    Set: Authentication: Windows Authentication.
    Click Connect.
  6. Right click the root node (\\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query) and left click on Properties.
  7. Click Memory.
  8. Change the amount of memory that WSUS can use. I typically do not set that higher than 2 to 4GB.

You should see a vast improvement with the SQLServer.exe process on your SBS2011 server.





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