Small business server SQL using a lot of memory
SQL server on Sbs2011 is using majority of memory
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12 years ago
High SQL memory usage on SBS is almost always tied to WSUS. There are some pretty quick steps you can go through to resolve the issues.
- Open Task Manager –> Processes tab.
- View –> Choose Columns –> PID, Memory, etc.
Now, in your task manager, the offending sqlserver.exe process should provide you a PID. - Next, go to Start –> CMD –> Right click and Run As Admin.
Type "tasklist /svc" and hit [Enter] - Scroll through the resulting list and find the PID. Note the SQL Instance name associated with it
- Next, go to Start –> All Programs –> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 –> Right click and Run as Admin on SQL Server Management Studio.
Set: Server type: Database Engine.
Set: Server name: \\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query
Copy and paste the above.
Set: Authentication: Windows Authentication.
Click Connect. - Right click the root node (\\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query) and left click on Properties.
- Click Memory.
- Change the amount of memory that WSUS can use. I typically do not set that higher than 2 to 4GB.
You should see a vast improvement with the SQLServer.exe process on your SBS2011 server.