Smart Label logic for software version is greater or less then?
I've been having some difficulty setting up smart label logic for a software title being less or greater than.
I've tried setting up groups as follows but the software version and title search are being handled as separate items, and the version logic is getting applied to every software title on the system .
[Some logic here]
[ Software Title] = McAfee Agent
[Software Version] <
Is there a way I can apply the search to the versioning of a specific software title using the built in queries or would someone be able to provide some SQL logic that I could adapt for this?
Answers (2)
See my responses on these previous posts for some ideas:
The use of regex can come in handy when checking software versions.
Thanks, that helps quite a bit.. The regex statement is defiantly fairly messy and hard for me to follow.
The SQL portion will be super easy though. Are the tables referenced in this document still valid with SMA 10.?
Can you recommend any specific site or tool that can assist in generating logic such as below?
Regex statement to catch anything below (i.e. & below):
'(^[0-9][[.period.]])|(^10[[.period.]][0-2][[.period.]])|(^10[[.period.]]3[[.period.]]([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-7][0-9]|180)[[.period.]])|(^10[[.period.]]3[[.period.]]181[[.period.]]([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-5])$)' - Kiyolaka 4 years ago