
"Software Removed" shows up 1,000's of times for assets

The "time entry" program that we use is configured to check the database server for a program update every 60 minutes as long as the program is open (crazy, I know). Most people open this program in the morning and leave it running all day. For whatever reason, every time the program checks for an update it creates an entry in the "asset history" for the computer in inventory. See attached screenprint for example, this is on the Inventory tab, clicking a computer in the list, and clicking Asset History for that computer.

Is there any way to either supress this entry in the "asset history" or somehow remove it from the report listed here:


I tried adding "and ASSET.DESCRIPTION NOT LIKE '%Practice Management%'" but that also removes a bunch of entries in the asset history that contained both the "Practice Management" program and other programs all with the same date/time stamp. I attached another screenprint showing an example of this.


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Answers (4)

Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
Is something changing in Add/Remove programs for this application? There has to be something changing that makes the KBOX think the old version is gone and the new one exists.
Posted by: maurere 15 years ago
Orange Belt
No, nothing is changed in Add/Remove Programs.
Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
Nothing else comes to mind... I'd suggest submitting a ticket to KACE. I'd love to poke around in your KBOX to try to figure this out, but KACE support is capable of doing that via a tether if they need to.
Posted by: baist111 12 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt

Any updates on this?  I'm having the same issues with Practice Management, it shows up as found, and then gets removed almost every time the computers run an inventory.

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