

I just want to get the information below but i dont know how to create a script in SQL. Please help.

IP address
User Name
User Full Name
System Name
Service Tag
Asset Tag
Chassis Type

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: akmagnum 7 years ago
Red Belt

Kace has an in built wizard you can use to get all this info.

Just go to "Reports "  tab in the k1000.

Create a new report....... from the "choose action " drop down list, choose "New (Wizard)".

then name it ...., choose a category or create a new category to help you categorize your reports.

Then choose "Device" in the "topic"  dropdown list...... as below

then click next....

on the next page expand all the various different fields and tick the info you need in them .

 Then next.....next.....finish.

  • Hello! Thank you. But my concern all my Dell desktop was already input the Asset Tag to the BIOS Asset. However I cannot find from the reports the Asset Tag of all Dell desktop. - L30n 7 years ago
Posted by: akmagnum 7 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

Try this.....

To get "Asset tag" info..... I believe you need to create a

"custom inventory rule" for it, as it is not shown by default.

Go to .....

Inventory -- Software......... then "choose action" -- New

Name it...... choose operating system......

in the "custom inventory field" ...... input the command......

ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c wmic systemenclosure get SMBIOSAssetTag)

then save it.

It should appear in the report field under "custom fields"

see below

  • I already done, what next?

    Sir, from the Report under Hardware Category "Computer Inventory Detail" I can see the Asset Tag but the column title from the CSV is Video Controller. - L30n 7 years ago
  • I got your point sir. Very helpful. I can see now the progress from the Software and Reports. Thank you. - L30n 7 years ago
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