K2000 System Image Capture
I am trying to capture a system image from a laptop. I have ran Sysprep, but when I boot into the KBE, select System Imaging, the 'Capture Image of this machine' option is not displayed. I only have the option to Deploy image to this machine. I have looked on various forums and cannot find a reason for this. Has anyone come across this before and know how to resolve it?
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Answers (2)
Answer Summary:
Corey's response below, resolved my issue. I was trying to capture from the RSA, rather than the the K2000.
Corey's response below, resolved my issue. I was trying to capture from the RSA, rather than the the K2000.
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9 years ago
Top Answer
If "Capture Image" is not displayed, then you are connected to a Remote Site Appliance. You can only capture to the K2000.