
There must be a simple answer

Hi folks

when a ticket is logged by the desk and given a priority (e.g. 2- High) and then moved to a different Q the priority is changed to the default on the receiving Q (e.g. 3- Medium)

Is there any obvious way of stopping this happening

- e.g. turn the default off

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • i would be inclined to ask for a little more information just in case you are not using the tool in the way it was designed. Every queue has default values for Priority and when you transfer the ticket, it assumes that default. So how are yo using your Queues? How is your ticket flow working? - Hobbsy 6 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 6 years ago
Red Belt
You would have to use a service desk rule to set the priority based on the previous priority. The reason that it changes is because queues each have their own priorities. Also, what is high priority for one group might not be high priority for another group. The rule would need to live in the target queue. How is your SQL knowledge?

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