Trouble setting Reg Key with K1100
I'm attemping to change the typematic rate via reg key on 30 Windows 7 32bit computers. I found the reg key :
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard]
I configured the script as follows:
Script Text:
reg.exe ADD ["HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard"]
I named the script, typematic.bat
When I run the script I get the following errors in the error logs.
Started: 2012/08/02 14:37:36
Finished: 2012/08/02 14:38:08
Elapsed Time: 32 second
Status: 3
Output Log
Running: scripts/59/script.bat
Activity Log
2012-08-02 14:37:36: Alert not enabled, moving to next phase.... 2012-08-02 14:37:44: Sending script script.bat to client.... 2012-08-02 14:37:51: Script sent 2012-08-02 14:37:51: Executing script.... 2012-08-02 14:38:08: Error 1 received while executing script
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Answers (4)
I've found the easiest way to do reg keys is this. Create your keys on a test machine. Export those keys to a reg file. Using Kscripting upload that reg file as a dependency. Then "On Success" run a batch file with regedit /s yourreg.reg.
You might also want to try running as logged in user since by default these scripts are ran as SYSTEM.
You will probably also need to utilize active setup to get these keys in their properly.
The logged in user may not have rights to modify default hive. - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
see my blog on this
You can push this out with a k1000 script also - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago
start /wait reg load HKU\temphive c:\users\default\ntuser.dat
start /wait reg add "HKU\temphive\Control Panel\Keyboard" /v KeyboardDelay /d 2 /f
start /wait reg add "HKU\temphive\Control Panel\Keyboard" /v KeyboardSpeed /d 20 /f
start /wait reg add "HKU\temphive\Control Panel\Keyboard" /v InitialKeyboardIndicators /d 2147483648 /f
start /wait reg unload HKU\temphive
Can You set these registry values by changing the Keyboard System Setting thru the Windows Control PAnel? Or, do You see an access error. Setting these registry values may require a certain level of privilege or access
every user would need to do this manually. And yes modifying default's hive would require admin priv to get to the file, during a push or install it runs as system so these can be made. - SMal.tmcc 12 years ago