Unable to connect to Hyper-V
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I am trying to connect hyper-v machines of win10 machine in workgroup from another win 10 machine.
In Hyper-v manager.
I clicked yes for below prompt
But I am getting below issue.Eventhough I am an administrator and using elevated mode for running hyper-v manager.And even the remote credentials I am providing is also of Admin user.
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Posted by:
7 years ago
If only there was *some* way of entering details of what you want to know about and get a list returned of all the web sites that mention that thing? Someone is *really* going to clean up when they invent that.
Meanwhile, try here.
Meanwhile, try here.
THanks VBSCab,
It is working now.
I am able to connect hyperv from another win10 machine.
But I am not able to on non-win10 machines like 7 or server 2008.
THere is no "Connect as another user" option available there...Can you suggest how to connect on those machines - ur00361883 7 years ago-
There is no option to connect with another user because Hyper-V in Workgroup use the credentials from logged on user. To have administrative access on Hyper-V, create/active the Administrator account in the client machine, and active the Administrator account from the Server, set them with the same password, and logon with the Administrator account in the client machine. From there, connect with the Hyper-V server and it will automatically use your actual credential (Administrator account).
You can't connect with non-win10 machines like 7 or Server 2008 because the RSAT (that you need to install on client machines to access the Hyper-V interface) available to Windows 7 and Server 2008 is not compatible with RSAT from Server 2016/Win10. You can use Server 2016/Win10 RSAT to connect with older Hyper-V versions (like Hyper-V 2012), but you can not access a Hyper-V 2016 server using RSAT for Windows 7/Server 2008. - coldscientist 7 years ago