
Unable to install windows 8.1 on Dell E5540 with an scripted installation



I'm unable to install windows 8.1 on a dell E5540 usuing an scripted installation.

It failes when it's installing the OS (error is something like this : missing important/essential drivers, please check if drivers are valid.)

But I use the official driver feed of dell.

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Answers (5)

Posted by: electronized 10 years ago
White Belt

solved, deleted evrtything in kbox_ip\drivers_windows_x64

now i get no error, some driver conflicting with the drivers on the windows media.

for more info :



Posted by: Timi 10 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt

You need to be certain to use an updated KBE running WinPE 5. You have to download the WADK http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39982 to build the boot environment. 

  • Hi, we have created a new kbe with winPE 5 drivers, but the error stays. We kan boot the kbe but after the preinstallation task he errors on the task : Install OS. - electronized 10 years ago
Posted by: Nico_K 10 years ago
Red Belt

Hi Electonized,

can you provide the full error message?

I suggest to cleanout all drivers in \\k2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x64
Download the WinPE5 drivers

recache the drivers and rebuild the KBE 

  • Hi it's translated from dutch to english so may be not the exaxt error you would get on an english version :

    Windows setup
    can not install. one or more drivers that are essential for booting, Verify that the drivers are valid and restart the installation if you want to install windows - electronized 10 years ago
  • still the same error after cleaning out the drivers, donloaded winPE5 drivers add to kbe_windows_64 , recached and rebuild kbe... - electronized 10 years ago
    • Hi Nico, is it still possible to deploy win 7 scripted installations, with winPE 5.0 ? - electronized 10 years ago
Posted by: rick07 10 years ago
Orange Belt

Have you checked that the drivers from the feed are in the right folder? I noticed that the Dell 9010 AIO drivers where in the wrong folder. To check use the tool supplied by Kace which is found in the k2000 -> drivers_postinstall -> feed_tools and it is named driver_feed_discovery_tool.vbs . Once you run on the actual computer it will give you the path. Just make sure the drivers are in the path.

Posted by: rick07 10 years ago
Orange Belt

Hi electronized, just to clear up what is happening you are

1. pxe booting

2. kace menu shows up

3. select kbe x64 or x32

4. scripted install win 8.1 and then as it boots into win 8.1 to install you get the error message?

  • yes correct ! - electronized 10 years ago
    • Have you tried updating the bios? - rick07 10 years ago
      • Hi I also tried with an difrent dell model same error .. - electronized 10 years ago
      • You probably need to escalate this with Kace. Let me know if they resolve this. - rick07 10 years ago

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