Using Adobe Remote Update Manager with KACE
Since we have begun using the Adobe Suite in more locations I am finding keeping this software patched is increasingly more difficult. I have begun looking into setting up an Adobe Update server and using that along with Adobe Remote Update manager to do my best to keep the suite patched and updated. I find that KACE does a decent job with the Acrobat Pro updates but not good at all with the rest of the suite.
My question is has anyone used the scripting in KACE to launch the Adobe update manager with elevated privileges? Here is some information from Adobe on that subject:
I was curious if anyone has tried this or is good at using the scripting portion that could outline if this could be done. I was hoping to create a script that I could run once a month or so to launch the Adobe Update Manager on the client comptuers so they can download and install the updates without me or a member of my tech team having to touch the computer to give it the admin rights it needs.
Currently we have CS5.5, CS6 and will be using Creative Cloud versions of these applications.
Thank You in advance for any insight and tips that could prove to be helpful.
Answers (1)
Create a New Script
Name: Adobe Remote Update Manager
Type: Online KScript
Check Enabled
Status: Production
Dependencies: Upload the RemoteUpdateManager.exe file
1. Verify file exists
File: RemoteUpdateManager.exe
1. Launch a program
File: RemoteUpdateManager.exe - See more at:
File: RemoteUpdateManager.exe
Checked Wait for Completion
Using labels I made labels for computers that have the various creative suite programs installed and assigned this script to run on computers with those label.
Hope this helps
File: RemoteUpdateManager.exe - See more at:
File: RemoteUpdateManager.exe - See more at:
Create a custom inventory field to find computers with the Adobe Remote Update utility installed.
Machines with the Adobe Remote Update would be assigned to a smart label
Create a script that runs the update utility on machines in the smart label. There would probably be two scripts, one for MacOS and one for Windows. - chucksteel 11 years ago
I have to do some more research on this for CS6 and CS5.5 as I read that it is possible but Adobe's instructions and available information is about as clear as mud. - bwilkerson 11 years ago