Using Script to push a managed install (MI)
I am trying to push an application via a script.
The script will verify the file version is <= X.
On success it pushes a MI and Logs a status message
On remediation it logs a status message.
When pushing the MI directly to the work station it downloads the file and extracts the zip, then processes the install.
When pushing the Script it downloads the zip and extracts it, but FAILS to install it.
In looking at the KAgent.log it shows the d/l it shows the unzip being successful.
It then shows :
IPackageMgr::PreProces] KDeploy PreprocessPackage:Unzip successful (C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\downloads\53123\
[2019-11-06.09:15:50][KDeploy:CMIPackageMgr::PreProces] KDeploy PreprocessPackage:ERROR: must use a 'manually configured' installation command if MI is a zip file: C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\downloads\53123\ Trying to handle if .msi...
[2019-11-06.09:15:50][KDeploy:CMIPackageMgr::InstallSw] KDeploy InstallSwitch (MI): package download failure, or missing 'full command' if MI is a .zip file
[2019-11-06.09:15:50][KDeploy:main ] KDeploy FINISHED SCRIPT INSTALL
[2019-11-06.09:15:50][runkbot:KLaunchClientImpl::Proce] KLaunchClientImpl::ProcessResults - End
Ask away with questions, I did search for this on here but did not find an answer.
Answers (1)
what did you use for "install args:"
They are blank. Nothing in the field - lwjohnson 5 years ago
It's "install a software package" not run an MI for the type of task. you are attaching to the same software item the MI would attach to, you need some sort of an install arg. it does not know what to do with the contents of the zip you need to tell using the install arg.
this is the error in the log:
must use a 'manually configured' installation command if MI is a zip file: C:\ProgramData\Quest\KACE\downloads\53123\
missing 'full command' if MI is a .zip file - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago-
So, even though the MI installs correctly if pushed to a device, I still need to re-enter "...\install.bat" in the install args?
Interesting. But I will try it. - lwjohnson 5 years ago -
OK that worked. That is very strange to me as pushing the MI directly to a device works correctly and the item is "Install a Software Package" I assumed it would deploy it fully not just copy it and unzip it. - lwjohnson 5 years ago
You need to think software object not MI.
It does not use the MI at all. It pulls whatever file is attached to the software item and if it is an msi it will use logic to auto create an msi install. If it is a zip file the logic does not know how to handle that instance so you must manually enter the command the install needs to call. - SMal.tmcc 5 years ago -
That makes sense now. Thank you. I was under the assumption that "Install a software package" would follow along its supplied uploaded file and the MI associated to it.
The update I stated in the first post works perfectly.
With so many people wanting to do their 'OWN' managed updates, 10 a week haha. I determined I needed to push a baseline to all machines, but did not want it re-pushed to the update from 5 minutes ago that is newer that the baseline I wanted.
We have been trying to do this for many other products over the years and could never find the answer. I figured I would finally just ask.
Thank you for your assistance for thinking more around the box.
College of Southern Maryland - lwjohnson 5 years ago