
What is the Bootstrap task on my k1000, and what percentage of my tasks should it really be taking up?

As far as I am aware the bootstrap process should be for new agents that are connecting to the k1000 for the first time.
Yet I am seeing what seems like an unusually high number of bootstrap tasks on my system at any given time.
Does this mean that i have something mis-configured on my agents where they are not retaining their kace ID and are connecting as a new agent every time they reconnect? Or am i misinterpreting what the bootstrap process is?

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  • When I checked the Agent Command Queue today, I noticed 20+ jobs with the command "runkbot 1 0 0" which were created between 2am and 5am. They report the status of "Sending" still now at 1p. I am considering deleting the jobs but don't know how this will affect any agents that are actually "new." - JasonEgg 8 years ago

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