
What is the use of Process, startup programs and services in k1000.

Hi All,

I want to know what is the use of having the process, startup programs and services tab in the inventory tab.

Apart from using it for labeling and deleting the process, for what other purpose we can use them in systems management.

When i delete a process from the process tab in k1000, the process just gets deleted from the process tab and cannot be see there but in the workstation, the process process will be still running and after forcing the inventory in the workstation, i can get to see the process back in the process tab in k1000.

The same goes with the start up programs and services.

Can anyone tell me why it is like this.

And one more thing i need to know - 
When creating a patch schedule - there is a drop down next to Name of the schedule called Action - it has 5 options namely - Detect,Detect & deploy, Deploy,Detect and Roll back, Rollback.
What is the difference between these, & please tell me in general when i can use rollback, Detect and rollback.

And one last question - 

Why do we use the service desk? how can use it in my lab environnment? hw can i manage the ticket, please tell me any scenario using which i can learn service desk in KACE.
Please guide me step by step how i can use service desk with the scenario which you would give.

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 8 years ago
Red Belt
A lot of these questions would be answered if you had Jumpstart training. I'll give some answers based on my experience, however.

I have used the processes tab to verify if computers are running certain programs. For instance, we use PaperCut for print management and we had instances where the software was installed but not launching correctly. By creating a report that found computers with the software installed but without the process running I could track down those machines. You could also use the process information to find computers that might have malware or other software running that you don't want on your systems.

When you delete entries from the Inventory you are just deleting them from the database, it doesn't have any effect on the computers.

Detect - Will scan through the list of selected patches and see if they are installed on the computer
Deploy - Will deploy any patches that were detected as being required in a previous detect schedule
Detect & Deploy - Will detect patches, deploy patches, reboot and continue this cycle until all specified patches are deployed
Rollback - Will uninstall the specified patches from target computers that were previously detected
Detect & Rollback - Will detect and uninstall patches, reboot, and continue this cycle until all specified patches are uninstalled

Occasionally Microsoft does release a bad patch that you may need to uninstall from your computers. This is when you would want to use a Rollback schedule.

Service Desk
That's a huge question. How do you track requests now? We use the service desk to track all requests in our environment. We have different queues setup for the various IT departments and when requests come through the Helpdesk they are routed to the appropriate queue. This is definitely an area where I would recommend training from Dell if you are new to KACE. 

  • Thanks a lot @chucksteel, you missed about the Startup programs and services, what is the use of removing a start up program in the k1000, still it is present as startup program in workstation, same goes with services, services cannot be stopped from the k1000 device correct? - vishninja 8 years ago
    • Correct. The only reason to remove them is to keep the tables clean. If there are no computers with those processes, startup items or services then you can delete them from the list. Honestly I rarely look at those sections unless I have a need to report on them. - chucksteel 8 years ago
      • Thanks for the information chucksteel, by the way in the service desk i have a user who can login into the kace user management page and create a ticket, and i can see that ticket in the administrator web console, what are the other activities i can see do from that ticket in the service desk? - vishninja 8 years ago
      • One more question under the monitoring tab, there are sub tabs like Profile, Maintenance window, Log enablement packages ? what is the use of that? - vishninja 8 years ago
      • As for the service desk, I feel like you are approaching it from the wrong perspective. What activities do you want to perform? Do you track problems using a service desk now? If you don't track problems and don't want to, then you can ignore the service desk entirely.

        You seem to be asking very general questions that training would answer. Have you looked at the Dell KKE videos? https://support.software.dell.com/k1000-systems-management-appliance/training/154/kace-kontinuing-education

        How about the knowledge base? - chucksteel 8 years ago
      • @Chhucksteel, and one last question i have, when patch is running, the not patched patches are seen from the device inventory, what could be the possible reason the patches are not getting patched?(this device is my domain controller- where patch is executed but not installed.)

        And when the patch is scheduled for the devices which are in network, it is giving handshake error.

        I did not find any appropriate solution in I ninja noe dell website. - vishninja 8 years ago
      • The patches won't show as installed until the patching schedule completes. Has the machine restarted since the patches were deployed? What is the patching phase? If the patching phase is not completed then KACE won't show that the patches were installed.

        If this KB doesn't solve the handshake error then contact Dell support: https://support.software.dell.com/k1000-systems-management-appliance/kb/114282 - chucksteel 8 years ago
      • One more question under the monitoring tab, there are sub tabs like Profile, Maintenance window, Log enablement packages ? what is the use of that? - vishninja 8 years ago
      • Click the question mark icon in the upper left corner of each page to get a brief description and links to the documentation. - chucksteel 8 years ago
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