
Would there be any benefit to deleting all items in the software inventory and starting over?

We got the K1000 over 4 years ago for the help desk ticketing system. It was set up and left to run with no consideration for what it was capable of. I started with the company about a year ago. We want to start expanding its use.  Right now,  the software inventory has 42000 items in it.  After looking through them, several are applications from long long ago. I was thinking that it might be good to delete the entire catalog and have the agents repopulate it with currently installed software. Since we are just starting to use the appliance, I thought it might be good to start over. Anyone else done this,  or is there a good reason not to? 

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  • Good question....I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this. - jmcwilliams 10 years ago

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