
Adobe Creative Cloud

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Views: 41k  |  Created: 06/20/2013 by: Antda

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Deployment Tips (5)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (MSI)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 3 / 5 (Average) based on 4 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)

The full suite is divided in 2 parts :

  1. the MSI package created by Adobe Creative Cloud Packager
  2. exceptions, also generated by Adobe Creative Cloud Packager but not MSI
    1. pre-install exception (Acrobat Pro XI)
    2. post-install exceptions (Lightroom 5.0, PDF Settings CC, Service Manager, Muse ...)

In SCCM 2012 I created 3 Software :

  • Creative Cloud, MSI Based
  • Creative Exceptions, script based, with 2 deployments types
    • Pre install (Acrobat) :
    ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=pre 

    • Post Install (others) :
    ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=post 
  • Acrobat Pro Update 3 (MSP)

Then I created the following dependencies:
Creative Exceptions post -> Creative Cloud -> Acrobat Pro Update 3 -> Creative Exceptions Pre

I published only the Creative Exceptions post deployment type on the catalogue

The client will install

  1. Acrobat XI as pre-requierment
  2. Acrobat XI Update 3 as pre-requierment
  3. Creative Cloud Suite
  4. Creative Exceptions (all the rest)

I hope this will help, in the future Adobe should (will ?) include all CC software as part of the bundle so all exceptions should disappear (except Acrobat XI which will always stays separated I'm afraid )

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Difficult
Platform(s): Windows
  • Me test Not Work - AhrimanSefid 11 years ago
  • Has anyone come up with a way to do the pre-, Cloud, and post- installs just using the K1000? - rgetter 11 years ago
  • I'm interested to see how you set up your detection methods. - smooochy 10 years ago
1. Use the Adobe Creative Cloud Packager to create your package.
2. Using Disk Utility, create a dmg that contains the installer .pkg only.
3. Copy the dmg to the clientdrop folder on your k1000.
4. Associate the file with a software title. (I created a custom inventory rule to look for a .plist file from one of the installed apps)
5. Create the managed install and leave it set to default. No commands are needed to execute the installer. It will mount and run the pkg automatically.

This may be a no-brainer for some, but as someone who has only just begun to manage Macs it took me a while to figure this out.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Mac OS

As built, the "Build" folder MSIs created by Creative Cloud Packager clobber the SCCM 2012 R2 client.  If installing the app from Software Center, Software Center exits at the end of the installation.  When installing as part of an OSD Task Sequence, the task sequence hangs forever on the installation step.

I tracked the problem down to MSIEXEC's Restart Manager which exits and restarts processes using files the installer needs to touch.  Restart Manager was shutting down the SCCM client and when it restarted, SCCM didn't know what to do.

The solution to this problem is to suppress reboots using


 as part of the command line calling MSIEXEC and to also pass along the property


 which disables Restart Manager.  Once I did this, the MSI installed without trouble and SCCM worked correctly.  Software Center didn't crash and my task sequences moved on.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Difficult
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
1. Gain access to the creative cloud packager, download and install. 

From the Adobe documentation:

Download Creative Cloud Packager

Download Adobe Creative Cloud Packager.

2. Use the tool to select the packages you want.

I choose to install most of the packages as this was a Citrix deployment and I wanted the capability of delivering most of the CC utilities. 

3. MSI Command Line Options:
REBOOT=ReallySuppress  - Suppresses the Reboot
ADOBEINSTALLDIR="DIRECTORY"  - Allows you to set a custom install dir
MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable  - Disables the MSI process restart which in my case causes this install to fail

4. My Example Usage of the Command Line Options:
Install Adobe Acrobat first if it is not already installed (See documentation on this site for using the adobe customization wizard to generate a transform for acrobat: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5515)

msiexec /i "\\NETWORKPATH\PACKAGENAME\Exceptions\ACROBATDIR\Acropro.msi" /qn /lv c:\windows\temp\Adobe_acrobat_install.log TRANSFORMS="\\NETWORKPATH\PACKAGENAME\Exceptions\ACROBATDIR\YourTransforms.mst" REBOOT=ReallySuppress

Next Perform the creative cloud install. 
msiexec /i "\\NETWORKPATH\PACKAGENAME\Build\MSIFILENAME.msi" /lv c:\windows\temp\adobe_cc_install.log /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress ADOBEINSTALLDIR="C:\program files\Adobe\Adobe CC" MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=Disable

Finally Perform any post install exceptions like Lightroom or Muse. 
msiexec /i "\\NETWORKPATH\PACKAGENAME\Exceptions\LTRM5.7en_US\Adobe_Lightroom_x64.msi" /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\Adobe\Adobe CC\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7"

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Average
Platform(s): Windows

Adobe Creative Cloud for SCCM 2012 Deployments

As a Application, not OSD.

Stupid software...

This is for enterprise licenses only!

Step 1
Create the Adobe Creative Cloud package with the CCP tool.
Get the Creative Cloud Packager from the Adobe Licensing Website (LWS) or Enterprise Dashboard. See here for more details.


Step 2
This is the information that states Acrobat will not get installed, reads the notes section.

Read this link, this contains the information for the Batch script you will use in SCCM. Its important to note that if you use the MSI installer, Adobe Acrobat will not get installed as mentioned above.

The document states that if you use the setup.exe then Acrobat will get installed. The problem is that is if you use the setup.exe, the deployment is inconsistent from SCCM. Check in Program & Features (Add/Remove Programs), sometimes it will install 20 line items, the next machine will install 23 line items, the next machine will install 28 line items etc etc. The full suite consists of 28 line items, including Acrobat.

Quote: For Acrobat DC, Exception Deployer Application is not required. For Acrobat DC, you only need to run the setup.exe in the Build folder which will install Acrobat DC, the chosen type of license and any main applications not found in the Exceptions directory.

So following the guidance from the link above from Adobe, we will be using the Batch script with some modifications. After the Exceptions Deploy Pre section, we want to add this code to the script. Make sure you are traversing up and back down the correct amount of folders!

Its important you install Acrobat before the main Creative Cloud install! This will allow Acrobat to be licensed correctly, otherwise when you start Acrobat, it will ask you to sign into AAM.

cd Exceptions
 exceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=pre --installLanguage=en_US

cd ..\Build\Setup\APRO15.0\Adobe Acrobat

cd ..\..\..\
  start /wait msiexec /i "Adobe CC All.msi" /qn /lv* "%TEMP%\CC_all_msiexec.log"

If you want to have no shortcuts on the desktop then add this after the Exceptions

cd ..\Exceptions
 exceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=post
del "C:\Users\Default\Desktop\adobe*.lnk" /s
del "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\adobe*.lnk" /s

Adobe Acrobat, you can either use the command line above. Or you can use the Adobe Customization Wizard to create a transform to apply via the ini fill within the Acrobat setup 'bits'.

Key to disable Acrobat to take ownership causing a UAC prompt, will need to GPO this bit.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\AVAlert\cCheckbox]


Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Somewhat Easy
Platform(s): Windows

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