To install the software silently, without a restart, use:
To adjust which components get installed:
To register a license key, use:
vncconfig -license
vncconfig -service -generatekeys
Any configuration settings you want to capture should appear here:
Avoid capturing the following:
As these are not portable between computers.
Tested with version 5.0.5 and works fine.
Install vnc 5.0.5 on a test machine and configure the options as you want.
Install VNC Deployment Tools, import the configuration from test machine and export to a .REG file.
Create a .bat file with commands:
"%programfiles%\RealVNC\VNC Server\vnclicense.exe" -add Licence-number
regedit /s VNC-Settings.reg
Change the COMPONENTS like you want, in my example, only VNC server is installed. By default, the following components are installed:
VNC Server.
VNC Viewer. To suppress installation, specify /COMPONENTS="WinVNC,WinVNC\VNCPrinter,WinVNC\VNCMirror"
VNC Mirror Driver. To suppress installation, specify /COMPONENTS="WinVNC,WinVNC\VNCPrinter,VNCViewer"
VNC Printer Driver. To suppress installation, specify /COMPONENTS="WinVNC,WinVNC\VNCMirror,VNCViewer"
Add to a ZIP the VNC installation file, .REG with the configuration you exported and the .BAT file you created.
On KACE distribution package, use the command YourBatFile.bat for installation and mark "Dont prepend msiexec".
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