Deploying RealVNC 5 update with K1000
I have read the instructions given by RealVNC on how to do a command line install of the new RealVNC 5 (found here RealVNC does not provide a MSI for the installer, just an executable. The instructions state that you have to run the command prompt as administrator on Windows 7 becuase of UAC. Is there a way to do this as a managed install on my K1000? Here is a summary of the command line instructions on RealVNC:
Open a Command Prompt. On Windows Vista and later, perform this operation as an administrator (right-click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt and select Run as administrator), in order to suppress UAC prompts.
Run the following command:
By default, the following components are installed:
VNC Server.
VNC Viewer. To suppress installation, specify /COMPONENTS="WinVNC,WinVNC\VNCPrinter,WinVNC\VNCMirror"
VNC Mirror Driver. To suppress installation, specify /COMPONENTS="WinVNC,WinVNC\VNCPrinter,VNCViewer"
VNC Printer Driver. To suppress installation, specify /COMPONENTS="WinVNC,WinVNC\VNCMirror,VNCViewer"
After installation, you have to register a license key:
run the following command as a user with administrative privileges:
<install dir>/vnclicense.exe -add <license key>
By default, <install dir> is C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC Server.
Answers (1)
name_of_the_file.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART, and the Kace Box takes care of UAC.
The Kace box MI should take care of running it in a administrator cmd prompt and avoiding UAC. To create the install I would probably take the files and zip them all up along with a batch script that contains something like the following:
name_of_the_file.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
\vnclicense.exe -add license_key
Then simply tell the Kace box to run the batch script. I haven't tested this, but in theory it should work. Please do heavy testing before trying this!
This worked with no problems. If you are updating from a previous version, you do not have to register the license. It will carry settings and the license over to the 5.0 version. - jraley 12 years ago
Glad it worked for you. - Ben M 12 years ago
I created an MI running this batch script from a network share, it installs fine within XP but seems to not run in Windows 7. I get the Kace alert that the software will be installed but immediately says it is finished and VNC is not installed.
Batch file looks like:
\\path\to\share\vnc.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
%programfiles%\vnclicense.exe -add license_key
Any ideas on why it might not be running? - gallaga 12 years ago