Best way to implement CCTK on K2000
Searching around I found some information on the following two threads:
And I'm trying to figure out the best way to set bios configuration changes universally, as well as, the specifics I'm missing from both posts.
I have the Dell CCTK Configurator installed on my system and have both created a multiplatform.ini/.exe and created a manipulated KBE with the drivers. I'm trying to figure out how to either deploy the .ini/.exe file or use the manipulated KBE to start running commands upon bootup. Can I input straight CCTK commands during the KBE creation and expect them to work?
I also looked through but its for the K1000 specifically.
Answers (2)
Use the KBE minipulator and add it to your pre boot env so you can issue commands in your k2000 deployments. I have even created a deployment that changed the admin's password as a preboot and then shuts down the system. We then pxe boot the acad machines and they all get the change and turn back off.
In my images I have deleted the cctk gui file and use it as command driven only to allow the boot order to be changed in bios from PXE first to HDD first. Getting rid of the gui is one less thing for someone to play with.
here is the change password lines I call as a preboot, then I issue a shutdown
echo off
start /wait x:\cctk\x86\cctk.exe --pwdlock=unlocked
start /wait x:\cctk\x86\cctk.exe --setuppwd=Newpassword --valsetuppwd=currentpassword - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago-
Thats awesome, and so basically I could enter each line one at a time in the Manipulator for each change I'd like to make in the Bios? Have you had much luck with the boot order changes or do you use that one? - aaronr 11 years ago
you add the cctk to the preboot with the manipulator. Then you can create a deployment with the k2000 that deploys nothing and runs the pretask that makes the changes via the cctk commands and runs a pretask to shutdown
boot order script for the k2000 post install
"c:\program files\dell\cctk\x86\cctk.exe" bootorder --sequence=hdd.1,hdd.2,embnic,usbdev,cdrom --valsetuppwd=XXXXXX - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
How do u add cctk to preboot with manipulator? I tried with KBE manipulator but does not work. - work@deploy 11 years ago
install the cctk to your tech machine that has WAIK installed. The got-you is you will 2 tech machines to upload the cctk to both 32 and 64 bit. While the WAIK contains both 32 and 64 the cctk is for the os version only. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago