Can AppDNA automatically virtualize an application?
Whether Citrix AppDNA Application Compatibility tool will test the compatibility for virtualization environment and virtualize the application automatically if the RAG status of the application is green?
Answers (4)
As per App-DNA,
AppTitude creates deployment ready application virtualization packages..
ApptiTude software seamlessly creates virtual application packages by invoking the native Citrix XenApp Profiler or Microsoft App-V Sequencer to automatically create virtual packages.
Source :
I work for the AppDNA group in Citrix. AppDNA can create virtual packages using the native App-V sequencer from Microsoft or Profiler from Citrix.
It uses what is called an "Execution Profile" that can control a VM, sequence the app, revert the image and go on to the next Green App allowing for it to work as batch process. Using the native tools also means that the output is fully supported by the virtualization vendor.
I don't think this functionality is embedded in it yet.
It can, please see below. - ericserno 12 years ago