
Can Knowledge Base article use a domain name?

Hi All, 

Our users access our K1000 Service Desk using the domain name servicedesk/ rather than the default K1000-manage address.
Is there any way to also use our domain name with knowledge base articles rather than the k1000 root url?



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Answers (2)

Posted by: airwolf 9 years ago
Red Belt
You can easily configure DNS to forward several FQDNs to the K1000. It sounds like you have something like k1000.domain.loc as your K1000's A record in DNS and you have a DNS CNAME record for servicedesk.domain.loc. You could, for example, create another CNAME record for knowledgebase.domain.loc pointing to the k1000.domain.loc A record.

It gets a little more complicated if you use SSL and/or SSO.
Posted by: jegolf 9 years ago
Red Belt
Ours works this way. What do you have set under Control Panel > Network Settings > Web Server Name?

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