can you tell when a computer downloaded a patch, and from what server on kbox 1000?
Trying to verify replication servers are sole providers of patches on various subnets and want to verify machines are not updating during business hours when network traffic is at its peak.
Answers (3)
You can look at the machine in the inventory. Toward the top of the inventory entry there's a view history link that will bring up a window giving you a pretty good idea of when the patch was installed. It may not be spot on as this list only gets updated when the computer synchs every 2 hours by default.
This article hasn't been updated since 5.1:
It should still be relevant though. Enable debug on a test system and look in the PluginPatching log to see if it lists the replication share in the logs.
To enable debug, assuming Windows:
To automatically set debug through a script:
Scripting>K1000 Agent Debug Log Enable (Windows)
Add the machine(s) you want to enable debug on to "Limit Deployment To Listed Machines:" and click "Run Now".
Manually enabling debug from the client:
• Open an administrator command prompt.
• cd c:\Program Files\Dell\KACE
• Execute: AMPTools.exe debug=true
Or, run this from a command prompt:
"C:\Program Files\Dell\Kace\AMPTools.exe" debug=true
To find the .log and .txt files that are used to debug a system:
WinXP C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dell\Kace
Win7/8 C:\Programdata\Dell\KACE