Combination Label or Script for Office Installation Identification
Hi All-
I'm trying to achieve the below but I'm not exactly sure on the best way to go about doing it; whether or not it can be achieved through Smart Labels or if I would have to script. The request is simply; my manager would like to know how many of our systems have the Office 2007 full product installed. The scenario is a bit more complex; we used to have a hybrid mix on our systems of Excel/Word/PowerPoint 2003 and Outlook 2007 (stems from a move to BPOS back a few years).
Creating the Smart Label is easy for Office 2007, but because of the presence of one 2007 module, it reports machines that are in the above configuration as having the full suite installed when that's not the case. I was thinking I could leverage a Smart Label that looks for machines that have Office 2007 in the software title but also leverage a secondary set of criteria. Maybe something along that lines that in combination with the above; such as
Show me machines where the file exists
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.exe
The reasoning being that if the above file exists, it would confirm the presence of the Office 2007 version of Excel. Hopefully the description makes sense.
Thanks for all of your continued assistance!
Answers (1)
Create a custom inventory rule with this. You can then create a smart label based off of what you name the inventory rule.
FileExists(C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.exe)
Fantastic! Thanks again - dtobias_keenan 11 years ago