Create Smart Label based on Service?
I would like to create a smart label based on a machine having armsvc. Is this possible? It doesn't seem to be one of the default options in fields available for a machine.
Answers (2)
I created a custom inventory rule that check for the presence of the regkey value that indicates adobe reader autoupdate is disabled. That is: RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\FeatureLockDown,bUpdater,0)
It might be a longer fix than you want, but you can run this powershell script. Then create a custom rule to inventory the .txt file.
$service =Get-Service spooler if ($ -eq "spooler") {New-Item c:\temp\log.txt -type file -Value "Spooler is here"} else {del c:\temp\log.txt}
you use a offline kscript for this sort of thing? - muebel 12 years ago
Online shell script.
Script Text:
powershell.exe -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -noprofile -file "whatever you name your script".ps1.
Change "script file name" to script.bat
I'm sure it would work as a offline script as well. Just haven't tested it yet. - dugullett 12 years ago -
I created a custom inventory rule that check for the presence of the regkey value that indicates adobe reader autoupdate is disabled. That is: RegistryValueEquals(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\FeatureLockDown,bUpdater,0) - muebel 12 years ago
I don't know that this is a feature yet; you can only see a list of machines running the service in the service detail. It seems like something reasonable to request. In the meantime, you could get close by looking for a registry key or file that exists when the service is installed, and create a custom software inventory based on that. You'd then be able to search for machines installed with that "software".