
Creating custom reports on folder size

Hey everyone,

I am currently trying to create a custom report to display the size of two specific folders (lets say: C:\Test1 and C:\Test2) for multiple servers with the same location on each server. This is will be done by our K1000 which is currently running on v6.3
The report will show something like:
Server1 C:\Test1 10GB
Server1 C:\Test2 23GB
Server2 C:\Test1 15GB
Server2 C:\Test2 20GB

Any ideas on how to go about this? I tried the steps explained in the following topic but it doesn't work for me, it just shows blank fields.

Thanks in advance.

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • The solution in the article that you mentioned seems correct.
    You only need to debug it.
    The idea is to run something on the machines using a scripting engine that calculates the size of the folder and writes it in text file.
    Then a custom inventory rule grab that value and stores it in a custom field.
    1-Is the script running for real on the target devices?
    2-Is the file that the script should create really created?
    3-If yes what does it contain?

    Now you need to look at the Custom Inventory Rule

    4-is the command right? have you added quotes to the command? (if yes remove them)
    5-Have you marked in the customer inventory rule definition all the Supported Operating Systems where the rule should work?

    Kind regards,
    StockTrader - Marco - StockTrader 9 years ago
  • Hmm, my guess of where it goes wrong is probably step 1 or 2. Gonna take a closer look on the server itself on Monday. Would it be possible if something is blocked on the network that prevents the script from executing even though all other functions and reports run fine? Thanks for the reply. - boehoe 9 years ago
    • The script engine of KACE uses the same communication channels used for all the other functions of the agent so if Managed Install, Patch Manager and other agent's functions are ok scripting should be ok as well.
      Check che script logs in case of doubts..anyway if you do now find the file that the script should create you know that there is something not right there...
      Kind regards,
      Marco - StockTrader - StockTrader 9 years ago

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