Creating a K1000 LDAP label for multiple OUs
I am trying to create a LDAP label to identify servers in multiple OUs as oppose to creating a label for each OU. Is this possible. The format I am currently using is:
(distinguishedName=CN=KBOX_COMPUTER_NAME,OU=Servers,OU=Office A,OU=Location A,DC=domain,DC=com)
I want to be able to use the following in the same label but would like to know if there was able to split them. By themselves the filters work, but when trying to put them in the same label they do not work.
(distinguishedName=CN=KBOX_COMPUTER_NAME,OU=Servers,OU=Office B,OU=Location B,DC=domain,DC=com)
Can this be done?
Answers (4)
I have now resolved this by creating a security group within AD and then created a LDAP smart label in KACE, below is the filter I have used:
Search Base DN: DC=domain,DC=com
Search Filter:
(&(memberOf=CN=Servers_Group_Name,OU=Groups - OU,DC=domain,DC=com)(name=KBOX_COMPUTER_NAME))
:-) - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Anyway, this is what worked (using an OR in my LDAP query):
See the screenshot for the LDAP label:
Hope this helps someone,
This helped me solve my problem as a workaround for kbox inability to search in nested security groups. - bens401 9 years ago
Just before this post was replied to, I have created a group and added the servers into the security group. However I am trying to find the correct format to use when adding the ldap filter into KACE.
I am currently using this format:
(&(samaccountname=KBOX_COMPUTER_NAME)(memberOf=CN=Group name,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com))
I think from reading this you just want to use name= - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago