Custom inventory field does not populate
I am struggling with a problem. I want to find out which Dell command update on the network has the BIOS password set in it, for which there is a flag in Windows registry.
All great, i created a custom software and wrote this as a rule:Â Â RegistryKeyExists (HKLM\Software\Dell\UpdateService\Clients\CommandUpdate\Preferences\Settings\General\BIOSPassword)
But the problem is that it's either not running or it is but it's not working, because after 8h, i still see zero devices found
Answers (2)
What version of the SMA?
What version of the Agent is installed?
What is the Windows OS?
Here is an example of code for a 64-bit reg key. As the agent is a 32-bit process it will otherwise run in 32-bit context (wow6432node/syswow64) you have to do similar workarounds for bat or PowerShell. RegistryKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProPlus2019Volume - en-us) - Kiyolaka 3 years ago
I tried that too and it return a missing key error. A different solution must exist. - Empousa 3 years ago
Top Answer
I found this script a while back at . It's in custom inventory . I get a report of true or false. Hopefully that's what you're looking for.
ShellCommandTextReturn(c:\windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe "invoke-command -ScriptBlock {Get-WmiObject -namespace "root\DCIM\SYSMAN" -Class DCIM_BIOSPassword| where-object {$_.AttributeName -eq 'AdminPwd'}|Select -ExpandProperty IsSet} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" 2> nul)
Genius! Thank you very much - Empousa 3 years ago