Custom ticket fields for specific Category
Is there a way to create a custom field in service desk that only shows up when a user chooses a specific topic. We have a few applications that our employees use that we want specific information about when they open a ticket for that application such as the part of the application they were in when the issue occurred. This way we can run reports to see how often issues in a specific part of the software are occurring.
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Posted by:
12 years ago
About the only ways that I could think to do this is to have a query execute on a custom field. For example, we create a custom field here called location based off a seperate location asset field. In the custom field configuration we use this: "query:select ASSET.NAME FROM ASSET WHERE ASSET_TYPE_ID=1 ORDER BY ASSET.NAME ASC" without the ""'s. This gives us a select from the asset table. You could possibly use this to execute a query which gives them a list of selections based on a table of information. Making this a query which uses a particular ticket field on save would make it context sensitive. But they would need to go into the ticket after initial information is put in there. ------ Another option would be to just get really really specific with your categories and list everything which they might have problems with. Ie, Software::Clickview::Options Tab::IP Config Incorrect and that sort of thing. But that would get really quite tedious.
That might be a temporary solution. Maybe I will submit a feature request to the developers for future versions. I would really like to just have a new field appear when they select a specific category so they are forced to fill it in but only when the ticket pertains to the issue.
Thanks for the suggestion. - ohiosoundguy 12 years ago
Posted by:
12 years ago