
Deploying a simple setup.exe with an associated xml file

Hi All,

I haven't used the Kace that much so I'm thinking I'm doing something obviously wrong here but I'm unsure. We deploy software beautifully when there is a single setup.exe or msi file, but I have a deployment that needs both a setup.exe file AND an xml file in the same folder when the setup.exe is run.

To do this, I zipped both files and used the following in the script pane:  unzip -o "halogen2.zip" && setup.exe /s /v"/qn”

The result is that i see halogen2.zip and the unzipped files in  C:\ProgramData\dell\KACE\downloads\14948 but nothing is installed.

I have opened a command prompt from this folder and ran just "setup.exe /s /v"/qn”" and the installation goes through without a problem.

Am i doing something wrong?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: akmagnum 7 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

You don't need the "unzip" in the command line.

Kace will unzip a zipped file by default when

you have multiple files that are dependencies

for an install.

Just zip.....upload....and run the exe file with parameters.

  • Thanks, this couldn't be easier! I appreciate the help. - shollingshead 7 years ago
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